A newfound hope for cancer patients

A newfound hope for cancer patients


At the core of this project lies a human insight: Cancer doesn’t affect the cancer patient alone. It affects the entire family, the whole ecosystem around the patient – not just physically, but also financially, psychologically, emotionally, and socially. 

Talking to such cancer-afflicted families is often a gut-wrenching experience. A father we interviewed told us that he would treat his child for a whole year and still might not be able to save his life. It breaks the heart.

Perhaps more heart-breaking is their feeling that, in this fight against something as life-dominating as cancer, they are absolutely alone. This psyche affects their life as much as the actual condition itself. 

Brandcare, along with Datar Cancer Genetics, decided to change this status-quo. 


Our objective here was to change mindsets around social stigmas with a positive attitude – to assure cancer patients and families that they are #notalone. 

There are many who are co-passengers, fellow travellers in their cancer journey. Some of them complete strangers, who support these families in their small ways.

With World Cancer Day approaching, we decided to compile unknown, unshared stories of the many faceless Robinhoods in our society. People who are living, breathing proof of the fact that cancer-afflicted families are #notalone.

Watch the video below and get to know the many faceless heroes.



The spirit of the #notlalone campaign was never more evident anywhere than outside the TATA Memorial Hospital. Here, we were amazed to discover, there are many local vendors who are helping these families in their small, significant ways. 

Like Neema Madkar, for instance. She serves breakfast from her food stall near Tata Memorial Hospital since 1986. And there have been times when she has given the food for free to the ill people or the caregivers who didn’t have a single penny. Or take Naseeb, the fruit vendor who subsidizes the prices of fruits for cancer patients and their families. 

We captured these stories. Crowd-sourced them. Shared them on socials. Connected with cancer patients and their families, and assured them – You are #notalone. Michael Jackson would probably have been proud. 

The response to our World Cancer Day #notalone project was overwhelming. To say the least.


Launched on World Cancer Day, we implemented the campaign across Facebook, Twitter, and Youtube. We garnered 1.2 million digital reaches. We were even trending at number 3 on Twitter! Several stories of local do-gooders and Good Samaritans began trending. They, deservedly, spread like wildfire. The stories got a face – and a name. 

More importantly, they gave cancer patients and their families a newfound hope – that they are #notalone


Looking at this case from the vantage point of brand communication: In this age of social, people want brands to care. People want brands to have a purpose, a cause beyond’ selling’. And these are the brands that people connect with, converse with, care for. 

To that end, a Health Day is not just an occasion. It is an opportunity for brands to build authentic and meaningful relationships with consumers. To create brand stories that people can read, view, share and connect with. And this connection breeds brand loyalty – and, not to mention, helps make the world a better place.

Brandcare can help your brand create these stories.

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