Listen to your heart before you listen to anything else

Listen to your heart before you listen to anything else

Dil. A.K.A Heart.

The subject of countless movies, songs, sweet-nothing romantic conversations and whatnot.
Probably dating back to when Adam & Eve shared a stroll and an apple. Or was it before that?

Never mind.

Point is, everyone follows the heart. Talks about the heart.

But what they DO NOT do is – listen to the heart or live light-heartedly. Sometimes with grave implications.

This #worldheartday, Brandcare – a leading healthcare communication agency in Asia – wants to persuade people to listen to their hearts. What the heart is trying to say through different signs.

The human insight here being: People listen to everything and everyone in the world.
But they don’t listen to what really matters.
An occasional heaviness. That little chest pain the other day.
Some almost-forgotten rapid heart palpitations. That’s your dear heart, trying to say something.

Listen to it. #Dilkiawazbhisun

Awareness is a prelude to Action. Spreading awareness about diseases is the first step
to uplift the health and wellness of the public. Be a part of such engaging awareness
campaigns with Brandcare to reach out to your patients more effectively. We will make
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