On World Kidney Day, flush out toxins and toxic people

On World Kidney Day, flush out toxins and toxic people

We all know how toxins in our body create a mess, and how the kidney flushes them out for our body, right? Right.
But what about the toxins in our life, in the world around us? Wouldn’t we love to flush these Toxic People out of our life?
This World Kidney Day, let us get rid of the toxic.
Do allow us to share 6 ways how you can #filterouttoxic. Enjoy.

First things first.
Put yourself first.

Someone once said, “Healthy relationships involve give and take.”
You should value all relationships, but when you have to sacrifice your well-being to keep the relationship going with the other person not doing enough, it is not worth it. Enough of the toxic. Filter that person out. Let it go.

Come what may,
learn to walk away.

Saying, “No!” and walking off.
Sounds challenging, right?

Well, it is. But as the American expression goes – you gotta do what you gotta do.
Never hold yourself from walking away from situations that you know are chaotic or toxic. It can be tough in the beginning, but with practice, it gets easier. Filter out. Walk off.

Mix, don’t fix.

We try to fix people’s behaviour, trying to make them a better version of themselves. But remember, people change only if they are willing to.
You might think, why should I cut someone out of my life when I can change them?
While you can always offer compassion and kindness, you likely won’t be able to change them, unless they are willing to make a conscious effort in that direction. Otherwise, it will just leave you emotionally drained.

If you want to grow,
let them know.

People with toxic behaviour usually don’t realize how it affects others. Having an open conversation with them can make them realize what they are doing – how toxic they are to  the relationship, probably unintentionally.
Then let them know what they can do to change and how. Make them un-toxic. 🙂

Don’t make enemies,
but do set boundaries.

Setting boundaries simply means deciding what you will and won’t tolerate. Let them know what your boundaries are, and if they try to cross them – Filter out.

Live happy,
encourage therapy.

If their behaviour is a huge concern, suggest they see a therapist who will #filterouttoxic.
Therapy will help them acknowledge their behaviour, creating room for changes. Making you a life saver.

Now you have ways through which you can remove toxic people from your lives.
We hope you #filterouttoxic

While there could be many toxic personalities in the world around us (make that ‘too many’), we have taken the liberty to #filterout 6 types of toxic personalities. These are the ones who hold a special place in our lives. But there could be more gems like these. Do share if you (unfortunately) come across one. 

World Kidney Day - #filterouttoxicWorld Kidney Day - #filterouttoxic

World Kidney Day - #filterouttoxicWorld Kidney Day - #filterouttoxic

World Kidney Day - #filterouttoxicWorld Kidney Day - #filterouttoxic


As we filter toxins out of our lives, let’s also #burnitdown from our society this Dussehra.


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