This World Health Day, get inspired by recycling

This World Health Day, get inspired by recycling

There is a band giving the most important live performance
in the face of a crisis.

Of course, you have never seen their album launch on TV.
They don’t have any paparazzi stalking their every move,
No fan following either.
And they are never considered for Grammy Awards.

But what if I told you that they perform in a venue hundred thousand times bigger than the Madison Square Garden? They are the most important band in the history of the world – they dwarf Led Zepellin, The Beatles, and The Rolling Stones.

What if I told you that they are the familiar faces that you meet every day.
What if I told you how easily you ignored the sounds of the scraps
that are saving the world?
So conveniently, you are deaf to someone playing metal every day of his life.

They are no other than our very own #recyclingrockstars without whom our drainage and river system will collapse.

(India generates 25,940 tonnes of plastic waste every day
and more than 60% is recycled).

Without them playing, Mumbai will choke in the trash and a hundred thousand tonnes of garbage and plastic will make their way into the soil and our food.

(9,400 tonnes are generated daily in Mumbai,
Dharavi recycles 80% of all the solid waste).

On this World Health Day, let’s celebrate our #recyclingrockstars!
Without their noise of scrap all the music in this world will cease to exist.
And if they stopped playing metal, the world would never have any rock bands in the future.

They are the only Rock stars forever playing with no desire of a single audience.
They are the only Rock stars playing for the good health of the world and every one, without anyone caring for their health.

Rock stars come and go.
But #recyclingrockstars continue to play for us.

At least today, let’s have this conversation and cheer for our #recyclingrockstars.

Likewise, look up a social revolution for people involved in our lives.

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